
Wuollet Bakery is proud
to present the Counting Chef's Sum Smart Cookie Book Club. It is designed for children ages 3-7. 

As a teacher, I know that children who develop a love for books at a young age will come to school with more vocabulary knowledge which will help them make key connections for better comprehension and success in school.
To enhance your child’s love of books, we have designed the Sum Smart Cookie Book Club at Woullet Bakery on Grand Ave. 

Join the club! It's easy and free. Here's how:
Attend a Sum Smart Cookie Book Club Meeting and fill out the reading  certificate information.
Borrow a picture book (1 book per child) and return the book at the next meeting (or just drop it off here). 
Fill the reading certificate with 12 stickers and receive a dozen cookies- FREE!
Stickers are given for attending a meeting, purchasing one of our products, or buying a book. 

At each meeting your child will:put on an apron and chef hat, listen to a story, learn new words, decorate a cookie, and receive a take home art project! 

Meetings will be held the second Saturday of each month, same time and same location. Please check calendar for updates or cancellations.

         Products available for you to make with your little chef at home!

   Dunk & Decorate cookies $13.95
FriendChip Cookies $12.95
FriendChip  Pancakes $11.95